KGS Code of Conduct
2023 08 29 / KGS / Code of Conduct
1.1 This code sets out the types of behaviour that will not be acceptable attending any events hosted by Kirkcaldy Gaming Society (KGS) and outlines the consequences for such behaviour occurring as deemed by KGS.
1.2 The code applies to all participants of KGS sessions and is effective from the first session to the last session, as well as online activity (Social Media channels, gaming activity, etc).
1.3 Moderators will remove any online posts that they believe are in breach of the following code.
1.4 Session supervisors will ask participants to leave who are in breach of the Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct
1.5 All participants will:
1.5.1 Always act with respect and civility towards your fellow gamers.
1.5.2 Abide by the venue location’s rules.
1.5.3 Comply with a reasonable direction of a KGS committee member, social media moderator, or session supervisor.
1.5.4 Maintain a socially acceptable standard of personal hygiene. This is a sensitive matter and will be treated as such.
1.6 The following behaviours will not be tolerated:
1.6.1 Acts or statements of discrimination relating to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership status, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
1.6.2 Bullying behaviours.
1.6.3 Acting in an unsporting manner.
1.6.4 Acting in an unlawful manner.
1.6.5 Acting in any other manner which brings KGS into disrepute
Consequences of major breaches of the Code of Conduct
1.7 If KGS receives information which is considered to be a breach of the code, they have the right to investigate the breach. If satisfied that a breach may have occurred they shall refer the matter to the committee. Any participant brought before the committee has the right to appeal if they disagree with the outcome. The appeal request must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the individual being informed of said decision.
1.8 If a committee member is party to the complaint, or in breach of the Code of Conduct, they shall not take part in the investigation process.
1.9 This process has been set-up to enable any complaint, incident or matter relating to the conduct of KGS participants to be dealt with swiftly and fairly.
1.10 The individual involved in the dispute has the right to represent themselves before the committee to state their case.
1.11 All individuals who are involved in the process have the right to seek advice, support and assistance from the Committee Member Representatives and external agencies, and may bring a supporting individual with them to all interviews, meetings and appeals.
1.12 Any decision made by the KGS Committee will be made by a majority vote. The KGS committee shall give its decision to the individual in writing as soon as possible after the completion of the hearing. For confidentiality reasons, the KGS committee is not required to publicly state its reasons for the decision.
1.13 If the KGS committee is satisfied the participant is in breach of the Code of Conduct it may impose any one or more of the following penalties, depending upon the severity of the breach:
1.13.1 Temporarily/Permanently banning from events held by the KGS.
1.13.2 Withdrawal of position.