Countdown to Mayhem: Get Ready for Demo Day!
Oi, ya bunch of sluggas! Listen up, 'cause dis is important! Dere's still time to get yer tickets for da big WAAAGH-some Demo Day happenin' dis Sunday at da Mek Shop(the Hive)!
We'z gonna 'ave sum real propa' fun wiv dem games o' 40k combat patrol an' a quiz, ya hear? In da games of combat patrol, we'z gonna smash, bash, and krump da enemies of da WAAAGH! Show 'em who's da biggest and da baddest in da fight! Load up yer shootas, strap on yer armor, and get ready to stomp some gitz! We'z gonna paint da battlefield red wiv da blood of our foes!
And den dere's da quiz! Test yer noggin' and see if ya got da brains to match yer brawn! Answer da questions, earn da teef, and prove ya ain't just a squig-brained git! Think ya know all dere is to know about da Orks? Well, dis quiz will sort da sluggas from da choppas!
If ya ain't got yer ticket yet, den what ya waitin' fer? Grab yer teef, head on down to da Mek Shop, an' get yer ticket before dey all get snatched up faster dan a squig eats a grox